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Senin, 19 November 2012


Pueraria Tuberosa ( Komposisi Ayuvita )

Kamis, 08 November 2012
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Ayuvita menjadi salah satu herbal yang wajib dikonsumsi wanita dewasa salah satunya karena kandungan berkhasiat Extract Pueraria Tuberosa. Herbal ini memilki khasiat yang sangat banyak dan penting bagi setiap wanita dewasa.

Nama lain dari pueraria tuberosa adalah kudzu. Tanaman ini terutama banyak ditemukan di India, Nepal, Pakistan. Pueraria tuberosa banyak diburu orng karena karena khasiatnya yang luar biasa. Bagimana tidak luar biasa, pueraria tuberosa seakan-akan menemani dan menjadi teman seorang pria ketika mau bersenggama dengan istrinya.
Herbal ini pertama-tama meremajakan organ-organ seksual dan reproduksi pria, kemudian meningkatkan libido dan gairah seksual, terus meningkatkan dan mengeraskan ereksi, setelah penis di masukan ke dalam vagina sang istri herbal ini menambah energi penis sehingga lebih bertenaga dan tahan lama, setelah mencapai puncaknya herbal inipun membantu menyemprotkan sperma yang banyak berkualitas, sehat dan tentu saja dengan penuh kenikmatan dan kepuasan.
Dengan kualitas senggama suami istri seperti diatas maka jangan ditanya lagi, apakah istri merasa puas atau tidak, karena dah pasti puas.

Akar pueraria tuberosa mengandung steroids, sugars, amino acids , sterols.
Dibawah ini adalah bebera khasiat dari pueraria tuberosa yang berhasil saya kumpulkan , semoga bermanfaat.
1. Aprodisiak (Meningkatkan libido seksual)
2. Mengatasi disfungsi ereksi
3. Menambah energi seksual (sexual energy)
4. Meremajakan sistem reproduksi wanita
5. Memperbanyak gairah wanita
6. Menambah kualitas seksual wanita
7. Meningkatkan mobilitas seksual
8. Memancarkan seksual wanita
9. Tonik
10. Emetik
11. Antiaging
12. Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh
13. Rematik
14. Batik
15. Demam malaria
16. Melancarkan buang air besar
17. Mencegah sembelit
18. Meremajakan dan mencerahkan kulit
19. Membantu menjaga kesehatan kulit

Mengenai sebagian khasiat website yang dikoreksi oleh  Dr. Savithasuri menuluskan :
“Vidaarikanda rejuvenates male reproductive system and increases quality and quantity of semen. This helps to increase sperm count and sperm motility. This ayurvedic herb reduces vata and normalizes kapha. Due to these properties shukra dhatu increases. Shukra dhatu helps to increase hard erections, libido and sexual energy. Vidaarikanda acts as an aphrodisiac and is known as vrishya. This is used in vajikarana preparations.”


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Withania Somnifera ( Komposisi Ayuvita )

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Ayuvita menjadi salah satu herbal yang wajib dikonsumsi wanita dewasa salah satunya karena kandungan berkhasiat Extract Withania Somnifera. Herbal ini memilki khasiat yang sangat banyak dan penting bagi setiap wanita dewasa.

Withania Somnifera biasa kenal juga dengan mana ashwagandha, indian ginseng, poison gooseberry, winter cherry. Sementara di Indonesia biasa disebut ginseng india atau aswaganda.

Withania somnifera memiliki kandungan senyawa kimia alami lebih dari 80 macam. Kandungan utamanya adalah alkaloids dan steroids (withanolides) . Sebagian dari kandungan – kandungan tersebut misalnya seperti yang dituliskan website berikut :
“All chemicals listed pertain to the root unless otherwise specified, as the root is the part used. Anaferine (alkaloid), anahygrine (alkaloid), beta-sisterol, chlorogenic acid (in leaf only), cysteine (in fruit), cuscohygrine (alkaloid), iron, pseudotropine (alkaloid), scopoletin, somniferinine (alkaloid), somniferiene (alkaloid), tropanol (alkaloid), withaferin A (steroidal lactone), withanine (alkaloid), withananine (alkaloid) and withanolides A-Y(steroidal lactones). The main constituents of ashwagandha are alkaloids and steroidal lactones. Among the various alkaloids, withanine is the main constituent. The other alkaloids are somniferine, somnine, somniferinine, withananine, pseudo-withanine, tropine, pseudo-tropine, 3-a-gloyloxytropane, choline, cuscohygrine, isopelletierine, anaferine and anahydrine. Two acyl steryl glucoside viz. sitoindoside VII and sitoindoside VIII have been isolated from root. The leaves contain steroidal lactones, which are commonly called withanolides. The withanolides have C28 steroidal nucleus with C9 side chain, having six membered lactone ring”.

Beberapa khasiat withania somnifera yang sudah diketahui adalah
1. Afrodisiak (menambah gairah seksual)
2. Vitalitas seksual (menambah energi dan tenaga seksual)
3. Menambah kehidupan seksual wanita
4. Infertilitas (membantu mengatasi kemandulan)
5. Membantu mengatasi infeksi saluran kemih
6. Adaptogen
7. Antiaging
8. Antibiotik
9. Antistres (termasuk mengatasi penyakit karena stres seperti arteriosclerosis, premature aging, arthritis, diabetes, hypertension and malignancy)
10. Sebagai tonik
11. Sebagai diuretik
12. Sebagai sedatif
13. Sebagai herbal insomnia
14. Sebagai herbal penenang alami
15. Sebagai tonik liver
16. Sebagai antiinflamasi
17. Sebagai antiarthritis
18. Sebagai antirematik
19. Membantu mengendalikan kolesterol
20. Mangatasi gangguan sistem saraf pusat (central nervous system - CNS) disorders
21. Anti-carcinogenic
22. Pengobatan tumors
23. Tubercular glands,
24. Carbuncles,
25. Ulcers
26. Sebagai suplemen kesehatan
27. Sebagai bahan pembeku susu dalam pembuatan keju

Dalam website mengenai manfaatwithania somnifera dituliskan begini :
Withania somnifera is widely considered as the Indian ginseng. In Ayurveda, it is classified as a rasayana (rejuvenation) and expected to promote physical and mental health, rejuvenate the body in debilitated conditions and increase longevity. Ashwagandha is used to treat a number of disorders that affect human health including central nervous system (CNS) disorders, particularly in epilepsy, stress and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disorders, tardive dyskinesia, cerebral ischemia, and even in the management of drug addiction. The most useful usage is to reduce stress and perhaps aid in sleep. However, if you take a high dosage or a concentrated extract, you may not notice the relaxation effect as much.”

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BISA DIBELI ONLINE DI / UNTUK PEMESANAN HUBUNGI BIN MUHSIN HP: 085227044550 Tlp: 021-91913103 SMS ONLY: 081213143797 MyFacebook & MyTwitter @binmuhsingroup

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Asparagus Racemosus ( Komposisi Ayuvita )

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Ayuvita menjadi salah satu herbal yang wajib dikonsumsi wanita dewasa salah satunya karena kandungan berkhasiat Extract Asparagus Racemosus. Herbal ini memilki khasiat yang sangat banyak dan penting bagi setiap wanita dewasa.

Nama ilmiah : Asparagus racemosus. Nama india: Shatawari, Shatamuli. Nama lainnya: Hundred Husbands, Shatawari, Shatamuli.

Komposisi kimia
Mengenai komposisi website begini :
Steroidal saponins, known as shatavarins I-IV. Shatawarin I is the major glycoside with 3 glucose and rhamnose moieties attached to sarsasapogenin, whereas shatavarin-IV contains
Alkaloids, proteins, starch and tannin.
Isoflavones including 8-methoxy-5,6,4′-trihydroxyisoflavone 7-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside.
Asparagamine, a polycyclic alkaloid.
Racemosol, a cyclic hydrocarbon (9,10-dihydrophenanthrene).
Polysaccharides, mucilage is present in the roots.

1. Aprodisiak (Menambah gairah seksual)
2. Menambah vitalitas seksual
3. Mengatasi masalah kesuburan dan kemandulan
4. Antioksidan
5. Adaptogen
6. Antistress
7. Tonik
8. Anti-dyspepsia
9. Antitussive
10. Pengobatan diare dan disentri
11. Antitussive
12. Antibacterial
13. Immunomodulator
14. Digestive
15. Cytoprotective
16. Galactogogue
17. Anti-oxytocic
18. Antispasmodic
19. Antidiarrhoeal
20. Antiulcerogenic
21. Estrogen modulator
22. Mucilaginous
23. Refrigerant
24. Diuretic
25. Demulcent
26. Menopause
27. Amenorrhea
28. Dysmenorrhea
29. Keputihan
30. Radang panggul

Bagi anda yang merasa masih kurang cukup informasi mengenai asparagus racemosus sialhkan kunjungi beberapa link website berikut :


BISA DIBELI ONLINE DI / UNTUK PEMESANAN HUBUNGI BIN MUHSIN HP: 085227044550 Tlp: 021-91913103 SMS ONLY: 081213143797 MyFacebook & MyTwitter @binmuhsingroup

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SIDA CODIFOLIA ( Komposisi Ayuvita )

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Ayuvita menjadi salah satu herbal yang wajib dikonsumsi wanita dewasa salah satunya karena kandungan berkhasiat Extract Sida Codifolia. Herbal ini memilki khasiat yang sangat banyak dan penting bagi setiap wanita dewasa.

Kandungan utama sida codifolia adalah ephedrine yang bisa menghasilkan beberapa reasi tubuh semisal miningkatnya tekanan darah (including increased blood pressure), meningkatnya denyut jantung (increased heart rate), terbukanya istem pernapasan (opened respiratory system), thermogenic (meningkatkan metabolisme dan suhu tubuh).

Semua respon ini mirip seperti ketika seorang wanita mulai terangsang birahi, sedang melakukan senggama, bahkan sesaat setelah selesai senggama. Oleh karenanya dosis yang tepat sangat membantu seorang wanita mencapai kenikmatan dan kepuasan seksual. Bahkan para atlet dan binaragawan sering menggunakannya untuk menambah stamina, semangat, dan menendalikan berat badan sehingga dia selalu strong dan menang dalam bertanding. Kalau kita bertanding dengan suami kali yaa.. he he..

Dalam pengobatan ayurveda sida codifolia dikenal sebagai “malva branca”
1. Afrodisiak (Meningkatkan gairah seksual)
2. Vitalitas seksual (Meningkatkan nergi seksual)
3. Membantu mengatasi masalah kesuburan
4. Antiosidan
5. Antinflamasi
6. anti-pyretic
7. anti-ulcerogenic
8. Antidepresi
9. Adaptogen
10. Analgesik
11. Meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh
12. Membantu kerja saraf pusat
13. Mengendalikan berat badan
14. Menurunkan kadar gula dalam darah (hypoglycaemic )
15. Menormalkan kadar glukosa dalam darah
16. Asma
17. Bronkitis
18. Hidung tersumbat
19. Kram otot
20. Masalah kesehatan mulut
21. Menjaga kesehatan hati
22. Menjaga kesehatan jantung


BISA DIBELI ONLINE DI / UNTUK PEMESANAN HUBUNGI BIN MUHSIN HP: 085227044550 Tlp: 021-91913103 SMS ONLY: 081213143797 MyFacebook & MyTwitter & MyYuwie @binmuhsingroup

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Ekstrak Mucuna Prurita ( Komposisi Ayuvita )

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Ayuvita menjadi salah satu herbal yang wajib dikonsumsi wanita dewasa salah satunya karena kandungan berkhasiat Extract Mucuma Prurita. Herbal ini memilki khasiat yang sangat banyak dan penting bagi setiap wanita dewasa.

Diantara kandungan berkhasiatnya adalah zat yang disebut L-DOPA yang bisa mengkonversi menjadi dopamine yaitu suatu zat otak yang sangat penting bagi mood (suasana hati), seksual, dan movement (aktifitas). Dopamine sangat efektif meningkatkan dorongan dan hasrat seksual.
Mucuna Prurita juga memilki sifat antioksidan dan telah digunakan selama berabad-abad sebagai herbal parkinson.
Mucuna pruriens, one of the popular Ayurvedic herbs, is also known as velvet bean or cowhage. This herb contains L-Dopa, a precursor to the neurotransmitter dopamine. The l dopa content increases when extracts are prepared. L-dopa converts into dopamine, an important brain chemical involved in mood, sexuality, and movement. Mucuna pruriens has antioxidant properties. It has been used for generations in India for Parkinson’s disease treatment. How well it works in Parkinson’s disease is just beginning to be evaluated in research studies in western countries and no definitive conclusions can yet be made. Keep in mind that there are many other active substances in this herb. besides l dopa, that have an effect on the body and mind.
Kandungan nutrisi mucuna prurita sekitar 20-29% protein, 6-7% lemak, 8-10 serat, 50-60% karbohidrat, dan komposisi lain yang ditemukan dalam biji, termasuk alkaloid.
Composition of mucuna pruriens seed
Nutritional analysis reveals it contains crude protein ranged from 20-29 %, crude lipid, 6-7%, total dietary fiber 8-10%, ash 3% and carbohydrates 50-60%. Several other compounds are found in the seed, including alkaloids.
Mucuna Prurita sangat bermanfaat menigkatkan dorongan seksual dan juga meningkatkan kerja organ seksual.
Mucuna pruriens as sexual enhancer, aphrodisiac
Dopamine is a natural neurotransmitter that enhances sexual urge and interest. Mucuna pruriens contains L-Dopa, the precursor to dopamine. Mucuna pruriens has been known in Ayurvedic medicine as an aphrodisiac herb. Users of this herb notice sexual enhancement within days.
Setelah membaca beberapa artikel dan hasil penelitian tentang Mucuna Prurita, akhirnya dapatlah dikatakan jika Mucuna Prurita setidaknya memiliki beberapa manfaat berikut :

  1. Sebagai herbal afrodisiak
  2. Meningkatkan libido
  3. Meningkatkan kualitas seksual wanita
  4. Meningkatkan fungsi organ seksual
  5. Meningkatkan aktifitas seksual
  6. Meningkatkan kepuasan seksual
  7. Membantu meningkatkan kesuburan
  8. Membantu mengatasi disfungsi seksual
  9. Membantu mengatasi penyakit parkinson



AYUVIGO (forte) adalah kombinasi herbal yang aman dan efektif untuk pria. Dibuat dari bahan alam yang terbukti memiliki nilai nutrisi tinggi UNTUK BELANJA ONLINE KLIK atau

BISA DIBELI ONLINE DI / UNTUK PEMESANAN HUBUNGI BIN MUHSIN HP: 085227044550 Tlp: 021-91913103 SMS ONLY: 081213143797 MyFacebook & MyTwitter @binmuhsingroup

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Jumat, 07 Januari 2011
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ISI : 30 Kapsul 
Dosis : 2 kapsul tiga kali sehari 

AYUVITA (forte) merupakan kombinasi herbal yang aman, lembut, tidak mengadung bahan kimia berbahaya, yang khusus diformulasikan untuk wanita. Memiliki kombinasi herbal yang seimbang yang berfungsi sebagai tonik, aphrodisiac, diuretik, astrigent, dsb. Memulihkan tenaga dan stamina, meringankan masalah saluran kemih, meningkatkan metabolisme, membantu melelapkan tidur, serta meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh.
Detail Produk: 

• Ekstrak Mucuna Prurita
• Esktrak Saracia Indica 
• Ekstrak Symplocus Paniculata 
• Ekstrak Sida Cordifolia
• Ekstrak Withania Somnifera
• Glicyrrhiza Glabra 
• Ekstrak Asparagus Racemosus
• Asparagus Adscenses 
• Emblica Officinale 
• Tinospora Cordifolia 
• Praval Bhasma 
• Mandur Bhasma 
• Ekstrak Pueraria Tuberose
• Ekstrak Leptadenia Raticulata 
• Ekstrak Convolvulus Pluricaulis 
• Mesua Ferrea 
• Commiphora Myrrha 

AYUVITA (forte) secara tradisional digunakan untuk : 
• Tonik bagi wanita 
• Mengatasi keletihan
• Mengatasi pendarahan saat menstruasi / haid 
• Keputihan 
• Meredakan stres
. Mengurangi nyeri menstruasi / haid
. Melancarkan menstruasi / haid 

• Meningkatkan stamina dan kesegaran 
• Mengandung antioksidan yang berfungsi menghambat penuaan 
• Membantu meningkatkan daya 
• Tahan tubuh terhadap penyakit 
• Mengatasi kelelahan 
• Meningkatkan daya tahan 
• Mengurangi stress 

BISA DIBELI ONLINE DI / UNTUK PEMESANAN HUBUNGI BIN MUHSIN HP: 085227044550 Tlp: 021-91913103 SMS ONLY: 081213143797 MyFacebook & MyTwitter @binmuhsingroup
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AYUVITA (forte) merupakan kombinasi herbal yang aman, lembut, tidak mengadung bahan kimia berbahaya, yang khusus diformulasikan untuk wanita. Memiliki kombinasi herbal yang seimbang yang berfungsi sebagai tonik, aphrodisiac, diuretik, astrigent, dsb. Memulihkan tenaga dan stamina, meringankan masalah saluran kemih, meningkatkan metabolisme, membantu melelapkan tidur, serta meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh UNTUK BELANJA ONLINE KLIK HP: 085227044550 Tlp: 021-91913103 SMS ONLY: 081213143797 @MyYM @MyFacebook @MyTwitter @MyYuwie @MyFriendster

Senin, 13 Juni 2011


AYUVITA (forte) MENGANDUNG EXTRACT RADIX WITHANIA SOMNIFERA / GINSENG INDIA merupakan kombinasi herbal yang aman, lembut, tidak mengadung bahan kimia berbahaya, yang khusus diformulasikan untuk wanita. Memiliki kombinasi herbal yang seimbang yang berfungsi sebagai tonik, aphrodisiac, diuretik, astrigent, dsb. Memulihkan tenaga dan stamina, meringankan masalah saluran kemih, meningkatkan metabolisme, membantu melelapkan tidur, serta meningkatkan daya tahan tubuhUNTUK BELANJA ONLINE KLIK www.binmuhsingroup.comHP: 085227044550 Tlp: 021-91913103 SMS ONLY: 081213143797@MyYM @MyFacebook @MyTwitter @MyYuwie


Dalam Ayurveda , akar somnifera W. digunakan untuk mempersiapkan Ashwagandha obat. Hal ini diklaim memiliki obat penenang, rejuvenative dan kehidupan memperpanjang properti, afrodisiak [ rujukan? ]. Secara tradisional digunakan untuk mengobati gejala berikut dan kondisi, meskipun ada beberapa penelitian ilmiah manfaat kesehatan Ashwagandha: [2] [3]

Berry dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti rennet , untuk mengentalkan susu dalam keju keputusan. [2] The berry dan daun secara tradisional digunakan pengobatan topikal untuk tumor dan kelenjar TBC, carbuncles dan bisul. [2] [6] [7]

Sementara Ashwagandha ini diklaim memiliki berbagai manfaat kesehatan, ada beberapa uji klinis untuk menguji klaim ini. Studi selesai sejauh ini dukungan yang somnifera W. mungkin dapat bermanfaat bagi:

  • mengurangi gejala penarikan obat [8]
  • mengurangi kecemasan [9]
  • arthritis mengurangi nyeri di lutut [10] [11]

Selain itu, ada terdaftar uji klinis dalam proses untuk menentukan apakah sominifera W. berguna untuk mengobati:

  • Tuberkulosis [12]
  • Penyakit Parkinson [13]
  • Kanker Tulang [14]
  • Gangguan bipolar [15]
  • Diabetes [16] [17]
  • meningkatkan kesejahteraan pasien kanker payudara dan menjalani kemoterapi tua [18]

It grows as a short shrub (35–75 cm) with a central stem from which branch extend radially in a star pattern (stellate) and covered with a dense matte of wooly hairs (tomentose).[2] The flowers are small and green, while the ripe fruit is orange-red and has milk-coagulating properties.[2] The plant also has long brown tuberous roots that are used for medicinal purposes. It is cultivated in many of the drier regions of India such as Manasa, Neemuch, and Jawad tehsils of the Mandsaur District of Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Sind. and Rajasthan.[2]

[edit]Claimed medicinal uses


In Ayurveda, the roots of W. somnifera are used to prepare medicinal Ashwagandha. It is claimed to possess aphrodisiac, sedative, rejuvenative and life prolonging properties[citation needed]. It is traditionally used to treat the following symptoms and conditions, although there are few scientific studies of the health benefits of Ashwagandha:[2][3]

The berries can be used as a substitute for rennet, to coagulate milk in cheese making.[2] The berries and leaves are traditionally used a topical treatment for tumors and tubercular glands, carbuncles and ulcers.[2][6][7]

While Ashwagandha is claimed to have a wide variety of health benefits, there have been few clinical trials to test these claims. Studies completed so far support that W. somnifera may possibly be beneficial for:

  • easing drug withdrawal symptoms[8]
  • reducing anxiety [9]
  • reducing arthritis pain in the knee [10][11]

In addition, there are registered clinical trials in progress to determine if W. sominifera is useful for treating:

  • Tuberculosis[12]
  • Parkinsons Disease[13]
  • Bone Cancer[14]
  • Bipolar disorder[15]
  • Diabetes[16][17]
  • improve the well-being of the elderly and breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy[18][19]


In a randomized control trial examining the use of naturopathic care for anxiety,[20] a "naturopathic care" group who received W. somnifera (along with "dietary counseling, deep breathing relaxation techniques, a standard multi-vitamin") showed significant improvements in anxiety (as measured by the Beck Anxiety Inventory) compared to a psychotherapy group (who received "psychotherapy, and matched deep breathing relaxation techniques, and placebo") after 8 weeks. No attempt was made to examine the differing contributions of W. somnifera, dietary counselling and a "standard multi-vitamin" in the first group, or psychotherapy in the second group, toward the outcomes for each group.

[edit]Side effects

In at least two published clinical trials of Withania somnifera, the side effects experienced by W. somnifera treated individuals were not significantly different than the side effects experienced by placebo treated individuals.[9][10] However, there has been one report that Withania somnifera can stimulate the thyroid and lead to thyrotoxicosis in some people.[21]

[edit]Recent Research

Shown to increase semen quality and reduce oxidative stress.[22]

Potential preventive or therapeutic drug for stress induced neurological disorders[23]

Withania somnifera extract protects from the structural changes induced by morphine withdrawal[24]


Ashwagandha in Sanskrit means "horse's smell," probably originating from the odor of its root which resembles that of a sweaty horse. In Tamil, it is called Amukkrang Kilangu (à®…à®®ுக்கராà®™்கிà®´à®™்கு) and is used in several medicines. The species name somnifera means "sleep-inducing" in Latin, indicating that to it are attributed sedating properties.Some herbalists refer to ashwagandha as Indian ginseng, since it is used in ayurvedic medicine in a way similar to that ginseng is used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Seven American and four Japanese firms have filed for grant of patents on formulations containing extracts of the herb Ashwagandha. It is also found in Nepal

Phytochemical investigations of multiple shoot cultures of selected accessions AGB002 and AGB025 of Withania somnifera. established in vitro utilizing shoot tip apices cultured on Murashige and Skoog's medium supplemented with BAP (1 mg/L) have been carried out. This has led to isolation of four glycowithanolides viz. Withanoside IV (WSG-3), Withanoside VI (WSG-3A), Physagulin D (WSG-P) and Withastraronolide (WSC-O).The structures of these have been confirmed on the basis of spectroscopic data. Multiple shoot cultures could be an alternative renewable resource for production of these biologically active molecules[25]

[edit]Active constituents

Withaferin A

The main constituents of ashwagandha are alkaloids and steroidal lactones. Among the various alkaloids, withanine is the main constituent. The other alkaloids are somniferine, somnine, somniferinine, withananine, pseudo-withanine, tropine, pseudo-tropine, cuscohygrine, anferine and anhydrine. Two acyl steryl glucosides, sitoindoside VII and sitoindoside VIII, have been isolated from root. The leaves contain steroidal lactones, which are commonly calledwithanolides. The withanolides have C28 steroidal nucleus with C9 side chain and a six-membered lactone ring.


Withaferin-A (WA) is a bioactive compound derived from Withania somnifera, which inhibits Notch-1 signaling and downregulates prosurvival pathways, such as Akt/NF-κB/Bcl-2, in three colon cancer cell lines (HCT-116, SW-480, and SW-620)[26] Recent research in mice suggests that Withaferin-A may have anti-metastatic activity.[27]

[edit]Pharmacological effects in vitro

Ashwagandha is reported to have anti-carcinogenic effects in animal and cell cultures by decreasing the expression of nuclear factor-kappaB, suppressing intercellular tumor necrosis factor, and potentiating apoptotic signalling in cancerous cell lines.[28]


Withania somnifera is prone to several pests and diseases. Leaf spot disease of Withania somnifera caused by Alternaria alternata is the most prevalent disease. It is most severe in Indian plains of Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh. Dr. Pratap Kumar Pati research group from Guru Nanak Dev University Punjab, India, recently reported in an article of Indian journal of microbiology, on the biodeterioration of its pharmacutically active components during leaf spot disease. [29] They have studied the post infectional biochemical changes and the activities of various enzymes, with the disease progression. Further, they have successfully developed a molecular detection system for the pathogen.

[edit]Climatic conditions for growth

Grown as late rainy season (kharif) crop. The semi-tropical areas receiving 500 to 750 mm rainfall are suitable for its cultivation as rainfed crop. If one or two winter rains are received, the root development improves.

The crop requires relatively dry season during its growing period. It can tolerate a temperature range of 20 to 38 °C and even low temperature as low as 10 °C. The plant grows from sea level to an altitude of 1500 meters above sea level.

[edit]Sub-species and related species

There are two sub-species of Withania somnifera - W. somnifera (ashwagandha) Kaul and W. somnifera Dunal. The sub-species Withania ashwagandha Kaul has been named after Indian botanistKailas Nath Kaul, who was the pioneer of modern scientific research on the plant. [30] There are 23 species of the Withania genus that occur in the dry parts of India, North Africa, Middle East, and theMediterranean.[2]


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  11. ^ Kulkarni RR, Patki PS, Jog VP, Gandage SG, Patwardhan B (1991). "Treatment of osteoarthritis with a herbomineral formulation: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study". J Ethnopharmacol 33 (1-2): 91–5. doi:10.1016/0378-8741(91)90167-C. PMID 1943180.
  12. ^ India, World Health Organization International Clinical Registry Program, CTRI/2008/091/000089,
  13. ^ Pakistan, World Health Organization International Clinical Registry Program, ISRCTN31871098,
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  15. ^ USA, World Health Organization International Clinical Registry Program, NCT00761761,
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  21. ^ van der Hooft CS, Hoekstra A, Winter A, de Smet PA, Stricker BH (November 2005). "[Thyrotoxicosis following the use of ashwagandha]" (in Dutch). Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde 149 (47): 2637–8. PMID 16355578.
  22. ^ Withania somnifera improves semen quality by regulating reproductive hormone levels and oxidative stress in seminal plasma of infertile malesAhmad M.K., Mahdi A.A., Shukla K.K., Islam N., Rajender S., Madhukar D., Shankhwar S.N., Ahmad S.
  23. ^ Neuroprotective effects of withania somnifera dunal.: A possible mechanism Bhatnagar M., Sharma D., Salvi M. Neurochemical Research 2009 34:11 (1975-1983)
  24. ^ Withania somnifera prevents morphine withdrawal-induced decrease in spine density in nucleus accumbens shell of rats: A confocal laser scanning microscopy studyKasture S., Vinci S., Ibba F., Puddu A., Marongiu M., Murali B., Pisanu A., Lecca D., Zernig G., Acquas E. Neurotoxicity Research 2009 16:4 (343-355)
  25. ^ Glycowithanolides accumulation in in vitro shoot cultures of Indian ginseng (Withania somnifera dunal)Ahuja A., Kaur D., Sharada M., Kumar A., Suri K.A., Dutt P. Natural Product Communications 2009 4:4 (479-482)
  26. ^ Koduru S., Kumar R., Srinivasan S., Evers M.B., Damodaran C. (2010). 9. pp. 202–210. Notch-1 inhibition by withaferin-A: A therapeutic target against colon carcinogenesis.
  27. ^ Thaiparambil, JT.; Bender, L.; Ganesh, T.; Kline, E.; Patel, P.; Liu, Y.; Tighiouart, M.; Vertino, PM. et al. (Jan 2011). "Withaferin A inhibits breast cancer invasion and metastasis at sub-cytotoxic doses by inducing vimentin disassembly and serine 56 phosphorylation.". Int J Cancer.doi:10.1002/ijc.25938. PMID 21538350.
  28. ^ Ichikawa H, Takada Y, Shishodia S, Jayaprakasam B, Nair MG, Aggarwal BB (June 2006). "Withanolides potentiate apoptosis, inhibit invasion, and abolish osteoclastogenesis through suppression of nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) activation and NF-kappaB-regulated gene expression". Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 5 (6): 1434–45. doi:10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-06-0096. PMID 16818501.
  29. ^ Pati, Pratap Kumar; Pati, P.K., Sharma, M., Salar, R.K., Sharma, A., Gupta, A.P., and Singh, B. (2009). "Studies on leaf spot disease of Withania somnifera and its impact on secondary metabolites. Indian Journal of Microbiology. 48:". Indian Journal of Microbiology (Springer India)48: 432–437. doi:10.1007/s12088-008-0053-y. Retrieved 2010-05-06.
  30. ^ Kaul K. N. 1956. The origin, distribution and cultivation of Ashwangandha, the so called Withania somnifera of Indian literature. Symposium on the utilisation of Indian Medicinal Plants; Lucknow CSIR.pp.07-08

[edit]External links

Withania somnifera, also known as Ashwagandha, Indian ginseng, Winter cherry, Ajagandha, Kanaje Hindi, Amukkara in Tamil and Samm Al Ferakh, is a plant in the Solanaceae or nightshade family.

